How Now Brown Cow

Actually, it’s not about Cows at all but about the cute „Nao“ Robots, dancing. Now, „Nao“ sounds like a Japanese idea of a name but, they’re actually from a french company, which explains why they’re dancing in the french pavilion.

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Kategorisiert in BlahBlah


The There’s a lot of different things on the Rumpus site and you won’t get it to fit in any of your normal shoeboxes or drawers.  Here’s a part of one of the newsletters, Just a few more thoughts on Steve Jobs. He’s becoming something else, since his death. He died at just the… The weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in Art

Am 27. November entscheiden Sie! – Die Volksabstimmung über das S 21-Kündigungsgesetz

Am 27. November entscheiden Sie! – Die Volksabstimmung über das S 21-Kündigungsgesetz. Absolute Classic German beaurocracy. first of all, when the subject sounds like it might be „are you in favour of Stuttgart 21“ they actually make the question… „Are you in favour of creating a law which says that the law which allows us… Am 27. November entscheiden Sie! – Die Volksabstimmung über das S 21-Kündigungsgesetz weiterlesen

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Lord Biro of the Bus Pass Elvis Party

What a winderfukl name, when I grow up, I want a name like that too… via BBC News – Jimmy Savile buried in Scarborough cemetery. No, not „Jimmy Saville“ and not „Dave Bishop“, I mean „Lord Biro of the Bus Pass Elvis Party“

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Kategorisiert in Humour Perhaps

Fank You GEMA

the System is out of date, instead of letting people view and listen to things AND making the providers (YouTube) cough up some of their advertising revenue to the Musicians, we get the GEMA telling us we can’t listen to the music… Leider ist dieses Video in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, da es Musik enthalten könnte,… Fank You GEMA weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in Art

Urban Dictionary: Premature Perspiration

    Urban Dictionary: Premature Perspiration. Used in some of the Lynx (UK, also known as Axe in Germany) Adverts, one of the best advertising wordplays.

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Kategorisiert in Humour Perhaps