A Fitting Tribute

Steve Jobs was a real stinker when it came to getting things right (right in his opinion) and there have been all kinds of things said about how Apple will go rotten when it’s core (SJ) is gone. It seems to me a particularly fitting confirmation that Steve Job’s Biography has been submitted to the… A Fitting Tribute weiterlesen

One Urban Legend less…

BBC News – Malawian doctors – are there more in Manchester than Malawi?. It’s nice to see an urban Legend so nicely dissected and put to rest.

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Killing two Birds with one Stone (Christian Wulff)

BBC News – Jamaica to break links with Queen, says Prime Minister Simpson Miller. So, Jamaica want a President, Christian Wulff wants to stay President… Simple Solution, he’s President of Jamaica! Everyone is Happy.

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Christian Wulff, Bundespepsident

So, Mister Wulff… how much longer are you going to keep this charade going? There are those who say that he’s only human, that humans make mistakes and, thus, logically, he’s allowed to make mistakes. If this were true however, anyone could be President and clearly this is not the case. Bill Clinton also made… Christian Wulff, Bundespepsident weiterlesen

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Happy New Year! Frohes neues Jahr!

It’s a litle late but, better late than never and, today is 2 1 2 1 2 (if you leave out the zeros from today’s date 02.01.2012 )

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