This, Is worse than it sounds. And, look at his grinning face. So, his lawyer reads a statement to the court apparently admitting his guilt and expressing his regret. Whereupon the court gives him a measly fine (come on, five thousand Euros for a German Politician is probably less than one month’s take-home pay)… German politician Edathy admits child porn – trial ends weiterlesen
Autor: Andrew
Net neutrality rules passed by FCC
Net neutrality rules passed by FCC There might have been other ways to fix this and this might not be a permanent fix but, it’s a start. Why might it not be a permanent fix? Well, who is to say that a future FCC won’t allow differentiating charges? Posted from WordPress for Android
Applied Kinesiologie?
In case anyone is still wondering how „Applied“ Kinesiologie works, there is a section of this video where they explain it: Poiler: It’s a trick.
Gemalto, who are you trying to kid?
No one can go back over x years of penetration logs, let alone in six days. Then, there is this aspect: There is that familiar smell in the air of someone trying to cover their ar*e after the bull has done it’s business and bolted. Posted from WordPress for Android
Never judge a book by its cover I always say.
I was just talking to somebody and they told me they were on their way to Japan for two weeks. „Have you ever been to Japan“ they asked? „No“ I replied, „but I have a friend who is a real Japanophile and he even took part of his holiday while there to spend some time… Never judge a book by its cover I always say. weiterlesen
Let the Other 95% of Great Programmers In
This piece by Paul Graham has a blindingly obvious take on immigration and yet so many people don’t see it because of their built-in biases, biases that they don’t even know they have. Let the Other 95% of Great Programmers In. However, there is a darker side to the piece…
"To err is human, to forgive divine." — Alexander Pope.
“And the world could use a little less human and a little more divine right now.” is a quote from the following, informative and useful, piece:
Get your debunking hats on…
And I’m not talking about a hat for getting out of bed (“Bunk Bed”… geddit?) There has been a lot of research into cognitive biases in the last years and some of the results can be used to avoid provoking those biases into the wrong conclusions and actions. Check out this little, free, booklet. But remember,… Get your debunking hats on… weiterlesen
Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law revisited.
There are four “Clarke’s Laws” and the third of them is: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Now, I have been watching and reading various pro-and-contra postings about medicine with increasing concerns and I think I Arthur C. Clarke’s law can be updated as follows. Any sufficiently advanced technocracy is indistinguishable from religion.… Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law revisited. weiterlesen
The geekiest tech jokes on the internet – TechRepublic
The geekiest tech jokes on the internet – TechRepublic. There are some oldish ones in here but some I hadn’t heard before. I wish I’d thought of this one: I would tell you a UDP joke, but you might not get it. Now that’s what I call a tech joke 🙂