Erfolg oder „Greenwashing“? –

    Erfolg oder „Greenwashing“?: Neuer Klimavertrag soll erst ab 2020 gelten – Also, die Politikern haben es schon wieder bewiesen, die denken nur an sich. Neuer Klimavertrag soll erst ab 2020 gelten. Der Politiker denkt „Wenn ich die Volk Sparmaßnahmen verordnen, werde ich abgewählt aber wenn ich nix tun, verliere ich ebenfalls Wähler.… Erfolg oder „Greenwashing“? – weiterlesen

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I always say that it’s better to procrastinate than to put something off till another day and, I shall continue to do so until somebody tells me what „concrastinate“ means.

Lord Biro of the Bus Pass Elvis Party

What a winderfukl name, when I grow up, I want a name like that too… via BBC News – Jimmy Savile buried in Scarborough cemetery. No, not „Jimmy Saville“ and not „Dave Bishop“, I mean „Lord Biro of the Bus Pass Elvis Party“

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Urban Dictionary: Premature Perspiration

    Urban Dictionary: Premature Perspiration. Used in some of the Lynx (UK, also known as Axe in Germany) Adverts, one of the best advertising wordplays.

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Take Me Home

Thoughts one the „Home“ Button: If you have a Home Button on your Blackberry, you have Home Buttton Envy, it’s a Menu Button really. The Home Button on Android is like a „show me to a geek home“ Button. The Home Button on Windows Phone 7 is like a „Home run“ Button. The Home Button… Take Me Home weiterlesen

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Every cause of death in England and Wales, 2010, visualised

Mortality statistics: every cause of death in England and Wales, visualised via Mortality statistics: every cause of death in England and Wales, visualised | Datablog | News | Nice visualisation techniques used throughout the Datablog site from the Guardian.

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