A New Year 0

As a sign to both sides, let us take down one small barrier and unite the Western and Muslim worlds under a new secular calendar. Let the period Paris/Charlie to Friday the Thirteenth 2015 AD be a new year 0. We are now in the Year 1 AP (After Paris) and the time before Charlie… A New Year 0 weiterlesen

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‚Watergate‘ leak at German spy agency

I’ll bet that you, like I,didn’t know that BND doesn’t streams for BundesNachrichtenDienst but „Bin Nicht Dicht“ B-) ‚Watergate‘ leak at German spy agency http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31746602 Posted from WordPress for Android

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Net neutrality rules passed by FCC

Net neutrality rules passed by FCC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31638528 There might have been other ways to fix this and this might not be a permanent fix but, it’s a start. Why might it not be a permanent fix? Well, who is to say that a future FCC won’t allow differentiating charges? Posted from WordPress for Android

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Gemalto, who are you trying to kid?

No one can go back over x years of penetration logs, let alone in six days. Then, there is this aspect: There is that familiar smell in the air of someone trying to cover their ar*e after the bull has done it’s business and bolted. Posted from WordPress for Android

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Nach Heartbleed: OpenSSL-Projekt bittet um Unterstützung | heise Security

OpenSource Software was always praised as more secure than typical „closed source“ programs. The reason being that „everybody“ can look into the code and check it for bugs of any kind but especially for security bugs. This bug in OpenSource Software took two years to be discovered. Nach Heartbleed: OpenSSL-Projekt bittet um Unterstützung | heise… Nach Heartbleed: OpenSSL-Projekt bittet um Unterstützung | heise Security weiterlesen

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BBC News – Heartbleed hacks hit Mumsnet and Canada’s tax agency

People of the (Web)World, now is your chance… If you happen to discover that your account has been hacked or you think someone has stolen data from your website, you no longer have to blame the NSA, you just point at „Heartbleed“ as no one, other than the perpetrators, will be able to prove you… BBC News – Heartbleed hacks hit Mumsnet and Canada’s tax agency weiterlesen

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Tree of Life

I saw the film “Tree of Life” over the weekend. Brad Pitt stars in it together with (almost starring) Sean Penn. It was a breathtaking film in the most part. Great acting and great visuals. Rarely one had the feeling of “yes, I got the idea so now get on with the narative”. But, one… Tree of Life weiterlesen

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Pub Discussions

I was in the bar of the place I stay overnight during the week while contracting and, this being election week in Germany, the place was full (well, one large table was full) of people loudly proclaiming their superior knowledge of politics and the state of the world. From-time-to-time one person would manage to say… Pub Discussions weiterlesen

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Eine Lektüre in schlechte Bewerbungen

Ich habe folgende Bewerbung zugesandt bekommen : “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bewerbe mich initiativ als freier Mitarbeiter für die Bereiche Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO)und Google Adwords Werbung. Seit Jahren betreue ich erfolgreich verschiedene Webprojekte, insbesondere Online-Shops und Performance-orientierte Webseiten. Hier konnte ich die Zahl der Bestellungen und Aufträge deutlich steigern(ROI = 30%).” Also… man sieht warum ich… Eine Lektüre in schlechte Bewerbungen weiterlesen

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