An interesting statistic from Joe Saward in the opening piece of this weeks Motorsport Monday, Issue 60. He tells us that the winner of the Chinese Grand Prix won it taking 26 seconds more time than last year’s winner. Soem might say that’s a reflection on the new cars being slower than the old ones.… Motorsport Monday – MM Issue 60 digital edition weiterlesen
Monat: April 2014
DLL Hell: Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2012
Remember when .net came out and it was hailed as the end of DLL Hell? Well, it should have been but for various reasons, it hasn’t been. One of the breaking changes in SQL Server 2008: SQL Server 2008 installs .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, which updates libraries in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). If you… DLL Hell: Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2012 weiterlesen
How to Lie with Data Visualization | Heap Data Blog
Looks convincing? Incredible that someone would stoop so low. Here’s the link to the original blog article: How to Lie with Data Visualization | Heap Data Blog.
Nach Heartbleed: OpenSSL-Projekt bittet um Unterstützung | heise Security
OpenSource Software was always praised as more secure than typical „closed source“ programs. The reason being that „everybody“ can look into the code and check it for bugs of any kind but especially for security bugs. This bug in OpenSource Software took two years to be discovered. Nach Heartbleed: OpenSSL-Projekt bittet um Unterstützung | heise… Nach Heartbleed: OpenSSL-Projekt bittet um Unterstützung | heise Security weiterlesen
BBC News – Heartbleed hacks hit Mumsnet and Canada’s tax agency
People of the (Web)World, now is your chance… If you happen to discover that your account has been hacked or you think someone has stolen data from your website, you no longer have to blame the NSA, you just point at „Heartbleed“ as no one, other than the perpetrators, will be able to prove you… BBC News – Heartbleed hacks hit Mumsnet and Canada’s tax agency weiterlesen
Die Piraten von Penzance
A very good freind of mine asked me if I’d like to go and see the Pirates of Penzance in German in Germany… Theater Münster – Spielplan > Kalender > Die Piraten von Penzance. Unfortunately, I am allergic to the sound of English songs performed in German. My symptoms aren’t like those of people allergic to apples or to… Die Piraten von Penzance weiterlesen
Heartbleed-Programmierer: Deutscher schrieb den fehlerhaften Code – SPIEGEL ONLINE
Heartbleed-Programmierer: Deutscher schrieb den fehlerhaften Code – SPIEGEL ONLINE. Quote: Absicht oder nicht? Zunächst wurde der Name auf Twitter verbreitet, vereinzelte Tweets verlinkten auf den fraglichen Code, kombiniert mit Sätzen wie: „Ich wäre jetzt nicht gern Robin S.“* Richtig Fahrt nahm die Geschichte in der Szene auf, als der bloggende Hacker Felix von Leitner den… Heartbleed-Programmierer: Deutscher schrieb den fehlerhaften Code – SPIEGEL ONLINE weiterlesen
XKCD: Heartbleed Explained
It is astonishingly brain dead that this bug was not found and fixed earlier and even more astonishing that it got to be there after so many safe versions were released. XKCD have a cartoon explaining the bug.
Homeopathy Awareness Week, April 10th-16th. Get the facts on homeopathy.
I’ve had this song in my head for ages now and someone decided that the next days are Homoeopathy Awareness Week, so, I thought I’d write the song down and get it out of my head. First a link: Homeopathy Awareness Week, April 10th-16th. Get the facts on homeopathy.. Now the song, it’s based on… Homeopathy Awareness Week, April 10th-16th. Get the facts on homeopathy. weiterlesen
Heartbleed OpenSSL extension testing tool, CVE-2014-0160
Two sites available, the first I came across is: Filippo Heartbeat Test But the second one, provides more „technical“ output: Heartbleed OpenSSL extension testing tool, CVE-2014-0160.