I’ve had this song in my head for ages now and someone decided that the next days are Homoeopathy Awareness Week, so, I thought I’d write the song down and get it out of my head. First a link:
Homeopathy Awareness Week, April 10th-16th. Get the facts on homeopathy..
Now the song, it’s based on the old song:
You put your left arm in,your left arm out,
in, out, shake it all about,
you do the hokey-cokey,
and you turn around,
that’s what it’s all about.
Repeat for various parts of the body ending with the whole body.
Now my song,
You put your Arnica in,
your Arnica out,
in, out, in, out,
shake it all about,
your do the hokey-cokey,
and you turn around,
That’s what Homoeopathy’s about.
I know, it doesn’t scan properly. I never said it was a good song, did I?