It is astonishingly brain dead that this bug was not found and fixed earlier and even more astonishing that it got to be there after so many safe versions were released. XKCD have a cartoon explaining the bug.
Homeopathy Awareness Week, April 10th-16th. Get the facts on homeopathy.
I’ve had this song in my head for ages now and someone decided that the next days are Homoeopathy Awareness Week, so, I thought I’d write the song down and get it out of my head. First a link: Homeopathy Awareness Week, April 10th-16th. Get the facts on homeopathy.. Now the song, it’s based on… Homeopathy Awareness Week, April 10th-16th. Get the facts on homeopathy. weiterlesen
Heartbleed OpenSSL extension testing tool, CVE-2014-0160
Two sites available, the first I came across is: Filippo Heartbeat Test But the second one, provides more „technical“ output: Heartbleed OpenSSL extension testing tool, CVE-2014-0160.
xkcd: Heartbleed
for a more lighthearted (less bleeding) take on Heartbleed: xkcd: Heartbleed. We’ll be back to clay tablets soon anyway.
RSA – The „Crises“ of Capitalism
Radical sociologist David Harvey asks: is it time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that really could be responsible, just, and humane? This is the original video of his talk: RSA – The Crises of Capitalism. But this one is the whiteboarded version… RSA – The „Crises“ of Capitalism weiterlesen
Scepticism or nailing jelly to the ceiling, which is the greater waste of time?
This is a line from Ian Rowland’s web site, specifically: via Crassing Over With John Edward « Wherein we also learn his „Golden Rules“ of which he says „These should be carved in stone, and that stone should be dropped on the head of anyone who thinks they can successfully campaign against the spread… Scepticism or nailing jelly to the ceiling, which is the greater waste of time? weiterlesen
Hoping you don’t have Heartbleed is not enough
Anyone running a server with OpenSSL or OpenVPN needs to make sure they are running a secure version. It’s not enough to hope you’re safe. If you have been running an insecure version… tough luck, you are going to have to assume the worst and change your secret keys, revoking the old ones. How high… Hoping you don’t have Heartbleed is not enough weiterlesen
Tree of Life
I saw the film “Tree of Life” over the weekend. Brad Pitt stars in it together with (almost starring) Sean Penn. It was a breathtaking film in the most part. Great acting and great visuals. Rarely one had the feeling of “yes, I got the idea so now get on with the narative”. But, one… Tree of Life weiterlesen
Pub Discussions
I was in the bar of the place I stay overnight during the week while contracting and, this being election week in Germany, the place was full (well, one large table was full) of people loudly proclaiming their superior knowledge of politics and the state of the world. From-time-to-time one person would manage to say… Pub Discussions weiterlesen
Eine Lektüre in schlechte Bewerbungen
Ich habe folgende Bewerbung zugesandt bekommen : “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bewerbe mich initiativ als freier Mitarbeiter für die Bereiche Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO)und Google Adwords Werbung. Seit Jahren betreue ich erfolgreich verschiedene Webprojekte, insbesondere Online-Shops und Performance-orientierte Webseiten. Hier konnte ich die Zahl der Bestellungen und Aufträge deutlich steigern(ROI = 30%).” Also… man sieht warum ich… Eine Lektüre in schlechte Bewerbungen weiterlesen